AWA DB LOAD of jar solution produces Application return code = 1
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AWA DB LOAD of jar solution produces Application return code = 1


Article ID: 132319


Updated On:


CA Automic One Automation


An "Application return code = 1" is received when using the DB Load utility "ucybdbld" to load an RA Solution JAR file.

Example when loading an RA Solution JAR file:

[automic@irxvld0890 bin]$ ./ucybdbld -B -C0000 -X/automic/atmapp/Rapid.Automation/RA.Informatica/InformaticaAgent_solution.jar
Starting C++ batch mode loader...
User account (user/domain) <AUTOMIC/>
Startup parameter <-B -C0000 -X/automic/atmapp/Rapid.Automation/RA.Informatica/InformaticaAgent_solution.jar >
Application name <./ucybdbld>
Launch from </automic/aepoc01/Automation.Platform/Utility/bin/>
LoadLibrary pointer = <0xb499a0>
Application return code = 1


Release: Automic Workload Automation
Component: Utility


The RA Solution JAR can only be loaded using the ucybdbld.jar application, not the ucybdbld application.


Please use the ucybdbld.jar file to load the JAR package into the AWA database as in the example below:

Java -jar ./ucybdbld.jar -B -X/automic/atmapp/Rapid.Automation/RA.Informatica/InformaticaAgent_solution.jar

**Example uses RA Informatica solution but this applies to all RA Solution JAR files**
**The path to the RA Solution JAR should be changed to match the file path in your environment**