How playback works for Java Virtualization in DEVTEST
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How playback works for Java Virtualization in DEVTEST


Article ID: 132301


Updated On:


CA Application Test CA Continuous Application Insight (PathFinder) Service Virtualization


How playback works for  Java Virtualized services

I have recorded a Java method transaction by configuring the rules.xml. I was able to deploy that VSI/VSM and it works fine. But I was trying to understand how the playback is happening without rules.xml mention anything about playback. Do we need to shut down the Agents? 


All support DevTest Environments.




When a VS is deployed the VSE notifies the agent to go into playback mode for these calls only. When the VS is removed the VSE sends a message to the agent saying the calls are no longer virtualized. You don't need to shut down the Agent during playback.
No other configuration changes need to be made.  

In the portal, Go to Settings ---> Agent (you are using). There should see the Agent  in  'VSE Mode' with a link there.  This should say its in Playback Mode. 

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