Upgrade fails with error: "PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol """ on upgrading DWH
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Upgrade fails with error: "PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol """ on upgrading DWH


Article ID: 132171


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


During an upgrade, you receive the below error message when upgrading the Data Warehouse (DWH):
4/30/19 2:53 PM (ExecTask) DBDriver for datamart_20150912_1039
4/30/19 2:53 PM (ExecTask) Resume installation of DBDriver ...
4/30/19 2:53 PM (ExecTask)
4/30/19 2:53 PM (ExecTask) Note: Foreign Keys have been disabled
4/30/19 2:53 PM (ExecTask) com.ca.clarity.jdbc.oraclebase.ddc: [CA Clarity][Oracle JDBC Driver][Oracle]ORA-06550: line 5, column 73:
4/30/19 2:53 PM (ExecTask) PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "" when expecting one of the following:
4/30/19 2:53 PM (ExecTask)
4/30/19 2:53 PM (ExecTask) * & = - + ; < / > at in is mod remainder not rem return
4/30/19 2:53 PM (ExecTask) returning <an exponent (**)> <> or != or ~= >= <= <> and or
4/30/19 2:53 PM (ExecTask) like like2 like4 likec between into using || bulk member
4/30/19 2:53 PM (ExecTask) submultiset
4/30/19 2:53 PM (ExecTask) The symbol "*" was substituted for "" to continue.


Release: 15.5.1


This is an indication of an issue with a mismatch in table definitions.


Option 1: Rebuild the Data Warehouse

  1. Rebuild Data Warehouse from a blank schema if possible
  2. Link to Clarity with DB LINK
  3. Run the job successfully
  4. Restart the upgrade

Option 2: Upgrade to 15.3 or lower without the DWH set up

If this does not work, and your upgrade fails on a stage before 15.4, you can try upgrading to 15.3 or lower without DWH set up.

  1. In Clarity, go to System Options
  2. Remove the Entity for Data Warehouse
  3. Save
  4. Run the upgrade again.
  5. Once on the target version, connect to $clarity\database\backups and restore a fresh DWH backup on this upgraded version

Note: The Data Warehouse upgrade can only be skipped to upgrade to versions lower than 15.4 

Additional Information

See also: When to rebuild the Data Warehouse (DWH) database