API Gateway: JSON Path Expression with tab characters
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API Gateway: JSON Path Expression with tab characters


Article ID: 131927


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CA API Gateway


When using the JSON Path expression against a value containing a literal TAB it will fail resulting in an error similar to the below:

Source JSON
 "name":"value    here"

Expected EOF but found trailing tokens.: [Source: {
 "name":"value    here"
}; line: 2, column: 16]


Release: All Supported Gateway
Component: Gateway


According to the ECMA JSON Data Interchange Syntax TAB characters need to be properly escaped when used,

\t represents the character tabulation character (U+0009).

To resolve this you would either
1) Change the source data to include properly escaped JSON


2) Uses a RegEx assertion against the JSON replacing the TAB with a single space or escape sequence.

Using the expression
to be replaced with

The double backslash is required for the replacement so it is not treated as a RegEx escape sequence.