No individual event reports in Spectrum Jasper
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No individual event reports in Spectrum Jasper


Article ID: 131907


Updated On:


CA Spectrum


With Spectrum integrated with Jasper, there are no reports in the Public -> ca -> Spectrum -> reports -> event -> individual folder.


Spectrum integrated with Jasper


There are no individual event reports provided


Create a custom Ad Hoc individual event report as needed. The following is an example for creating a simple Ad Hoc individual event report.

1. Log into Jasper 

2. Select Create -> Add Hoc View from the top level menu 

   a. In the Select Data screen, select Event Domain then click the Choose Data button 

   b. In the Data Choose screen 
      i. Click on the Fields button 
         a. In the Source column, select Event and click on the ">>" button 

     ii. Click on the Pre-filters button 
         a. In the Fields column, expand Event 
         b. 2x click on Model Name to move Model Name to the Filters column 
         c. In the Filters column, set the Model Name "equals" and then search and select the model you wish to run the report on. 
          d. Then click the OK button 

     iii. Click on the OK button 

   c. In the New Ad Hoc View screen 
      i. Change Crosstab to Table and change Sample Data to Full Data 
     ii. Under the "Domain: Event Domain" column, select the data you wish to see in your report. For example, select Event and drag and drop in the Columns field. Do the same for Created On and Created By so that it reads "Event Created On Created By" in the Columns field. As you place info in the Columns field, you will see your report below. 
    iii. Click on "Click to add a title" and add a tile for the report. 
     iv Resize the columns as needed 
      v. Notice on the right there is a Filters column. After saving this report, if you want to run the report on a different model, edit the report and change the filter to a different model and run the report. 

NOTE: With Full Data selected, you notice your report taking shape. From here, you can click on the Export icon and save your report 

     vi. Click on the down arrow next to the Save icon and select Save Ad Hoc View 
    vii. In the Save As screen 
         a. Enter a name for the report 
         b. Expand Public -> ca -> Spectrum -> adhoc -> adhoc_reports 
         c. Click the Save button 

3. To run the report 

   a. Select View -> Repository from the top level menu 
   b. Expand Public -> ca -> Spectrum -> adhoc -> adhoc_reports 
   c. Right mouse click on the report and select Create Report 
      i. In the Create Report screen, select Default Report Template and click OK 

4. To edit the report for a different model: 

   a. Select View -> Repository from the top level menu 
   b. Expand Public -> ca -> Spectrum -> adhoc -> adhoc_reports 
   c. Click on the report 
   d. Change the filter for a new model name and save the report 

Additional Information

Please reference the "Generate Ad Hoc Reports" section of the documentation for more information.