How can we ascertain the specific OID used in a Metric by DX NetOps CA Performance Management (CAPM)?
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How can we ascertain the specific OID used in a Metric by DX NetOps CA Performance Management (CAPM)?


Article ID: 131855


Updated On:


CA Performance Management - Usage and Administration DX NetOps


Q: how do I find the specific OID that is being used to calculate this data? ie; that returns the reference memory and cpu data..?


All supported releases


There are 2 things that show the OID(s) used for metric calculation:

  1. The metric expression. In the DA go to Vendor certification and look up the vendor certification you are interested in and click on it. The list of metrics and the metric expressions will be shown. From this, you can see the MIB variable(s)used for each metric.

  2. Finding the polled OID(s). There are 2 ways to do this. You can just google the MIB variables and get the OID or Go to the DA directory:


    So, for example:


    (note your version may not be (CA_23.3.13.3) so go to the highest version you have) grep for the vendor cert name and it gives you the file used. From this you can get the OID(s) example: On the Data Aggregator command line, run:

    cd /opt/CA/IMDataAggregator/data/certifications/CA_23.3.13.3/vendor_certs
    grep "Cisco CPU (Revised)" *.xml

    This should return: Cisco CPU (Revised)

So the name of the vendor certification file in this example is You can then view this file to see the OID's being polled.

To find the metrics available in this Vendor Certification, you can search in the GUI for the above names (highlighted in light green - CiscoCPUMibRev) by adding the "Internal Name" (click on the gear item to bring up the menu to add it):


Additional Information

If you have the OID and are looking to see where it is used you can use this same method:

# cd /opt/CA/IMDataAggregator/data/certifications/CA_23.3.13.3/vendor_certs
# grep "" *.xml