Does MICS process MDISK accounting records?
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Does MICS process MDISK accounting records?


Article ID: 131846


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MICS Resource Management


How does/can MICS account for VM minidisk usage?
Is the data in VMXVXU?
Can it pulled from the VM account record? Velocity?


Release: 14.1
Component: MICS


VMCDAC - VM Device Accounting File

The VM Device Accounting File identifies the allocation of dedicated devices and temporary disk virtual machine (user).

This file is created from VM Account data types 02, C2, 03, and C3 records (dedicated device, foreground and CMS Batch, temporary disk, foreground and CMS Batch).

However, you won't get MICS to process the VM:Account MDISK accounting records that are produced for VMJDASD. 

Key point is if the data isn't produced by CP, MICS doesn't take it from VM:Account. While you will get accounting records for dedicated devices and tdisks, you won't get MAINT's 191 disk (for instance) accounted for since it's a minidisk and not a dedicated device.

VM:Account is the only thing that produces accounting records for the individual minidisks on z/VM and SFS storage usage.


Additional Information

MICS does not process the VM:Account A4 mdisk accounting records.

If you want MICS to do so, you really should pursue as an enhancement to the product, whether posting an IDEA on CA/Broadcom Communities or pursuing with Paul Reynolds, the MICS Product Owner.