Job scheduling time is not working as expected when using a user with different timezone from server timezone
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Job scheduling time is not working as expected when using a user with different timezone from server timezone


Article ID: 131841


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


When I am using a user that's not in Clarity server time to schedule a job, I can see up to 24 hours difference what I set up and what I schedule.
1. Create a user whose time zone is JST.
Applciation server and Database server time zone are set to PDT.
2. Create a process and define job with "Execute a Process" as Run Once.
Click submit button and I can see that the job is scheduled as defined time(17:15).
3. Create a process and define job with "Execute a Process" as Weekly.
Click submit button and I can see that the job is not scheduled (15/05/05 9:00) .
This should be 15/04/05 9:00. I can see 24 hours(1 day) difference on scheduled time.
If the application server and DB server is set to JST then I cannot see the problem and the job is scheduled successfully.
This happens with other timezones as well.


Job scheduler does not respect the user timezone, logged as DE38440, WNF
Will be resolved as part of a new feature, scheduled for future release
As workaround:
1. Use a user that's having a timezone same as the server time to schedule the jobs
2. If appropriate, change the server timezone to best suit your needs