Jasper Reporting - Port Report Export Output incorrect
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Jasper Reporting - Port Report Export Output incorrect


Article ID: 131731


Updated On:


CA Spectrum


The Issue is, that the Excel Output of a Port Detail Report pushing the "Is Port Available" covers duplicate line-entry when Value is "Yes" into a new Line. 
This is problematic when export data/report is used for input to the subsequent process. 
In case the Value is "No" a single line record is exported - in case the Value is "Yes" then 2 lines are exported. 



This applies to all supported CA Spectrum platforms for CA Spectrum R10.2.3 and higher when using CABI 6.3.*/++


CA Spectrum Release R10.2.3 and higher will cover "format" error which is not visible when Report is displayed - but becomes visible at native data when exporting them.

Sample export data showing this issue - here i.e. when report is saved as native CSV/data: 
(find "Yes" results as duplicates / "No" results as single line entry) 

<hostName>_Dual Band Wireless-AC 7260,,Dual Band Wireless-AC 7260,,,ieee80211,,,300.0Mbps,Not In Use,,6,,Yes,, 

<hostName>_Ethernet Connection I217-LM,,Ethernet Connection I217-LM,,,ethernet,,,1.0Gbps,In Use,,0,,No,, 
<hostName>_Microsoft WiFi Miniport Adapter,,Microsoft WiFi Miniport Adapter,,,ieee80211,,,300.0Mbps,Not In Use,,6,,Yes,, 
<hostName>_VirtualBox Ethernet Adapter,,VirtualBox Ethernet Adapter,,,ethernet,,,100.0Mbps,In Use,,5,,Yes,, 

So - you directly see the line-duplicates (here the ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Yes, ). 


PTF_10.2.386 or BMP_303 for CA Spectrum R10.2.3