Can I increase/decrease the number of scroll back lines in a SSH applet session within the PAM Client?
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Can I increase/decrease the number of scroll back lines in a SSH applet session within the PAM Client?


Article ID: 131729


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CA Privileged Access Manager - Cloakware Password Authority (PA) CA Privileged Access Manager (PAM)


Depending on the needs, we may require to have access to the output of the SSH applet console within a PAM Client session.
This output may have a large number of lines, from tens to thousands.
The present document explains the PAM settings related to this feature and how and who can configure them. 

Can I increase/decrease the number of scroll back lines in a SSH applet session within the PAM Client?


PAM server version 3.x


If you need to be able to retrieve thousands of lines back in the ssh applet by using the scrollbar in the ssh window, there are three places where you can set this value in the PAM Client:

  • Settings / Global Settings / Applet Customization / Buffer Size.


  • Device / Manage Devices / <Select Device> / Terminal / Buffer Size.


  • Clicking on the user name on the top/right corner to open the user information window. In the Terminal Customization tab, enable the "SSH and Telnet CLI Terminal Customization" and set the buffer size.



The first one is a global setting set by the administrators for all the users and devices. 
The second one overrides the global definition for a particular device. 
The third one overrides the global settings for a particular user and can be modified by the own user without any admin privilege.

Additional Information

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