Snmpcollector probe not starting up - Red state - no port/pid
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Snmpcollector probe not starting up - Red state - no port/pid


Article ID: 131626


Updated On:


DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM)


snmpcollector probe not starting up - Red State - no port / Pid



UIM 8.51 or later
snmpcollector 3.43


Observed the snmpcollector.cfg in the snmpcollector was 0KB.
One reason for this could be the disk was full so the file got corrupted 
Restoring the snmpcollector.cfg file from recent back up if done previously will resolve the issue 

Another alternative is that in the snmpcollector folder there will be snmpcollector.cfg.BAK created by default on probe installation .
Can also use this file after renaming and replacing the original snmpcollector.cfg file which is 0KB which should resolve the issue