How to Deactivate the MUX Timesheets
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How to Deactivate the MUX Timesheets


Article ID: 131595


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


How to Deactivate the MUX Timesheets and what is the impact of doing so?


To activate MUX timesheets:

  1. Connect to Clarity PPM - Administration - System Options
  2. In section Modern Experience enable Activate Timesheets
  3. Log out /Log in
  4. Now the classic Timesheets link will disappear and you will be able to submit New UX Timesheets

To deactivate the timesheets:

  1. Connect to Clarity PPM - Administration - System Options
  2. In section Modern User Experience disable Activate Timesheets
  3. Log out /Log in
  4. The Classic Timesheets link will be brought back.

Restarting or flushing caches should not normally be needed.
Attention! Enabling and disabling the New UX will reset to default the timesheet settings in Administration - Timesheet Options and also remove any user configurations on the timesheets. We do not recommend to routinely switch between New UX and Classic and if testing is needed to only perform it on test environments.