Replace Clarity PPM branding in MUX (On Premise Only)
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Replace Clarity PPM branding in MUX (On Premise Only)


Article ID: 131559


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise


We are looking to replace the branding in Clarity PPM - Modern UX.

Can we update the text - right now it says Clarity PPM, can we change that?


Applies to on-premises only.
  1. Extract $NIKU_HOME/META-INF/uif/wars/ppm-ux.war somewhere (it’s just a jar/zip format file).
  2. Where it was extracted to, edit js/core/layout/header.html
  3. Find the <span class=”brand-text”>Clarity PPM</span> entry and change the value, and save the file.
  4. Repeat if desired for the js/core/login/changepassword.htmljs/core/login/forgetpassword.htmljs/core/login/login.html files as well.
  5. Re-zip / re-jar the files back into ppm-ux.war
  6. Replace the original .war file.
  7. Stop, deploy, and start app services.