How to template a Compare Rule to another RC/Migrator environment in another LPAR
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How to template a Compare Rule to another RC/Migrator environment in another LPAR


Article ID: 131521


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RC/Migrator for DB2 for z/OS RC Compare for DB2 for z/OS


When you create a RC/Migrator for Db2 for z/OS (RCM) Compare Rule in a Db2 Subsystem and you want to template to a remote Db2 Subsystem in another
LPAR there is no way to specify the remote DB2 Subsystem as a target. You have to create again manually the Compare Rule in the remote Db2 Subsystem.


To copy the Compare Rules to another remote Db2 Subsystem in another LPAR you can run the following steps:

- Create a Migration Strategy including the Rule Table PTI.PTMG4_RULES_0300 with a Where clause set in the strategy on columns NAME and CREATOR to only
bring over the specific Rule set. You have to create an EQF to select only the Compare Rules to migrate.

To create an EQF you have to work with an Utility Model with Fast Unload/Fast Load utilities.

- Then, run a data only analysis to build the Unload and Load cards.

- Execute this Migration Strategy through Batch Processor making sure the LOAD statement specified RESUME YES.

Basically only one row was unloaded from PTI.PTMG4_RULES_0300 table and the row is loaded to the same table in the target DB2 Subsystem.
If you work with IBM Unload/Load utilities then you cannot work with the EQF to select only one row, anyway you can run same unload but before to load to the target Db2 Subsystem you can manually edit the unloaded data set and delete the Compare Rules that you do not like to load. Normally there are not so much Compare Rules defined so there should be no problem with the edit.