UVC: Security - Groups cannot be displayed
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UVC: Security - Groups cannot be displayed


Article ID: 131514


Updated On:


CA Automic Dollar Universe


After modifcation of the ldap.xml to integrate the LDAP groups into UVMS, the UVC is no longer able to display the Group List when clicking on Security - Groups.
Instead, an empty Window is displayed and eventually the console freezes.

Results of different tests after installing another Java 8 JDK 211 in folder C:\jdk and mapping the JAVA_HOME to different Java versions:

With JAVA_HOME = C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_91\bin (32bits)
With -Xmx512m (default) , -Xmx1024m or -Xmx2048m ( JVM cannot be created) => Groups cannot be displayed
With JAVA_HOME= C:\jdk\jre\bin (64 bits)
With -Xmx512m (default) , -Xmx1024m or -Xmx2048m  => Groups can be displayed and modified correctly


Univiewer Console 6.x.xx launched on a Windows 10 with Java 32bits.


The issue was caused by an outdated Java 8 32bit version


Upgrade to Java 8 211 64bits or superior
Then, uninstall the previous outdated Java 8 32bit version or modify the JAVA_HOME variable so that Univiewer Console uses this version instead of the old one.