Migration R19 to R20 : RECORD SIZE different in UNLOAD DEDB
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Migration R19 to R20 : RECORD SIZE different in UNLOAD DEDB


Article ID: 131387


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 We updated CA TOOLS IMS (DBA - DBO - SIB) from R19 to R20. But for 2 jobs, in which there are UNLOAD for 2 bases DEDB, the DFSURG0 files have DIFFERENT RECORD SIZE between R19 and R20.
Could it be possible to modify this parameter in the jobs, with DBO Control Statements?


Component: DBO


Some years ago, we fixed a bug where “CA Database Organizer for IMS for z/OS (DBO) may interpret LRECL value incorrectly when a value was specified in the JCL to override the LRECL value for the DBOUNLD1/DFSURGU1 unload data set.” 

Basically, the LRECL is now respected, as in the past, it was incorrectly interpreted as “LRECL + 4 bytes”. 

So there are two options: 

Changing the JCLs to specify the LRECL exactly as they want it to be. It may be many JCLs and I don’t expect they’ll be willing to do it. 

Reinstate the old behavior (LRECL + 4) by usage of Environment Specific Product Customization - ITKOPTN, option LRECLEXT=Y. 
LRECLEXT=Y: Overridden LRECL value for the DBOUNLD1 unload data set will be increased by 4 bytes. 


Additional Information

The answer is no, it cannot be changed using the DBO control statements. 

However, it can be changed in the jobs, by modifying the LRECL parameter in DFSURGU1 DD statement. 
For example - in BMFHGR20, the customer is using this statement: 

// SPACE=(4096,(1708375,170838),RLSE,,ROUND) 

By changing the LRECL to 27994, they achieve the expected record size of 27,994 bytes. 

The same for the other jobs, it’s always +4. The question is, how many jobs they would need to change using this approach. It may be more effective to just use the ITKOPTN.