Is there a message for Top Secret that corresponds to ACF79468
Article ID: 131351
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Top SecretTop Secret - LDAP
Is there a message for Top Secret that corresponds to ACF79468?
Release: Component: TSSMVS
There is no TSS notification msg put out for a certificate getting close to expiration date, however, TSS has a Certificate Utility (SAFCRRPT) that can be run to display certificates that will expire within a specified number of days. (For more details about this utility, TSS Report & Tracking Guide.) EDAYS(expire days) Specifies that only certificates that expire within the specified number of days are displayed. Range: 1 to 365 The following is sample JCL to run the certificate utility. The member name is CERTUTIL: //SAFRPTCR EXEC PGM=SAFCRRPT,PARM='TITLE(Certificate detailed report)' //STEPLIB DD DISP=SHR,DSN=CAI.CAKOLINK //SYSUDUMP DD SYSOUT=* //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSIN DD * RECORDID(-) EDAYS(90) DETAIL TITLE('TEST EDAYS')