Cannot find adjusted timesheet data in WIP tables
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Cannot find adjusted timesheet data in WIP tables


Article ID: 131316


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


After submitting an adjustment timesheet, the original adjusted timesheet cannot be found PPA_WIP table.


Release: All Supported
Component: ODFNM


Here are the possible causes:

1. Check if the adjusted timesheet submitted was a 0-hour timesheet by running the following query:
    select * from prtimesheet where prid in (timesheet_history_list)
    Analyze and review the adjusted/adjustment timesheet pair results.

2. Check Prrmexported column in the Prtimeentry table to see if the value is set to 1 (one) indicating data has been posted to Financial tables;

    select * from prtimeentry where prtimesheetid in (timesheet ids)

3. The transaction was deleted from the Invalid Transactions page.


  1. 0-hour timesheets do not become financial transactions as it does not contain any actual hours logged to projects.
  2. New transactions that appear in the Administration > Invalid Transactions page can be on hold or deleted, which prevents it from being processed by the Post Transactions to Financial job.