Endevor BC1JFEXT getting CAS9180E on Remote
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Endevor BC1JFEXT getting CAS9180E on Remote


Article ID: 131273


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Endevor Endevor Natural Integration Endevor - ECLIPSE Plugin Endevor - Enterprise Workbench


Running the footprint extract program job BC1JFEXT on a remote LPAR that does not have Endevor installed,  completed successfully but msg CAS9180E - CPU 314317 Requires a LMP key to run Prod (AK) is displayed in the joblog and console. According to the manual, you can run a footprint extract program at remote site and then transfer the data back to the Local site for footprint reporting. The question now is when running the footprint extract program on the remote site, it requires LMP key. is this correct?  


Component: ENDBAS


BC1JFEXT (Remote Footprint) does check to see if Endevor is installed on the system where you are executing the job.  This check is built into the product.  The way to get around this is to add a dd
statement to you JCL to byapss the LMP Ceck on the remote system. 

The DD statment is:      //EN$LMP DD DUMMY