Missing subsystems in 3.1 batch report CA-Auditor
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Missing subsystems in 3.1 batch report CA-Auditor


Article ID: 131211


Updated On:


Auditor for z/OS


Function 3.1 (SUBSYSTEMS - Display information about z/OS subsystems) in batch, finds all subsystems
that are defined but does not  always show message  "XXXX Subsystem is dormant, no function information available"
These messages are in the ISPLOG DD.


Component: EXAMIN


When a dormant subsystem is selected from the 3.1 panel, the message indicating it is dormant is displayed on the next panel displayed.
If only 1 subsystem was selected, the next panel would be the re-display of the 3.1 list of subsystems.

f two subsystems are selected, one dormant and one active, then the message for the dormant one is displayed on the
active subsystems details display panel.

If three subsystems (2 dormant, 1 active) are selected, the message from the 1st dormant subsystem gets displaced by the message from the
2nd dormant subsystem, and lost.

This occurs in both TSO and batch, where all the subsystems are automatically selected.
There is currently no way to ensure these informational messages do not get lost
without significant restructuring how these panels operate.