MIM9001W CAMIMGR cannot validate GDIF product license until CAIRIM  services are available
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MIM9001W CAMIMGR cannot validate GDIF product license until CAIRIM  services are available


Article ID: 131192


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MIM Resource Sharing (MIM) MIM Data Sharing (MII) MIM Tape Sharing (MIA) MIM Message Sharing (MIC)


  • Following system IPL the following message was witnessed:
*@MIM9001W CAMIMGR cannot validate GDIF product license until CAIRIM services are available 
  • The CAIRIM (eg. CAS9) task is start via COMMNDxx after CAMIMGR.

Is the MIM9001W message something to be concerned about?


Component: MII


Normally no action is needed in response to the license related message. Upon CA MIM for z/OS startup, product license validation is performed. The CAIRIM LMP service has not been started or has not yet completed initialization. CA MIM for z/OS will continue initialization processing and defers license validation for the named product until such time that CAIRIM LMP services become available.

If this message or a related MIM9000E message continues, check on the execution of the CAS9 proc. The CAS9 proc is responsible for reading and loading defined CA Product licence keys.