Rally - Usage Report: How can we get a Usage Report?
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Rally - Usage Report: How can we get a Usage Report?


Article ID: 131181


Updated On:


Rally On-Premise Rally SaaS


Usage Report is a report that details the login counts for your subscription in a specified period.

This report is provided in a CSV file that can be used within Excel. The file's header includes:

  • Subscription ID
  • Subscription Name
  • UserName
  • Display_Name
  • Admin                      (True/False)
  • Disabled                  (True/False)
  • First Login               (The first time this user entered Rally in the report's period)
  • Last Login               (The last time this user entered Rally in the report's period)



There are two ways to obtain the report:

  1. CA support can generate it for you. To request this, please open a support case.
  2. A subscription administrator can generate this report.


In order to generate this report, the subscription administrator shall:

1. Click the Setup button to enter the setup area.

2. Click Usage Report in the navigation bar.

3. Specify the date period of the report.

4. Click the "Get Usage Report" button.


Additional Information

Keywords: agile central