CA1 Tape volume status after IEFTMS50 9xx-04 abend
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CA1 Tape volume status after IEFTMS50 9xx-04 abend


Article ID: 131100


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CA 1 Flexible Storage


The job abended with error IEFTMS50 9xx-04 due to access in RACF. Noticed that the tape was selected for mount before the error & abend. The tape was marked as PRIVATE in SMS and TS7700 library. However, in CA1 the tape remains in SCRATCH status after the job was abended. Due to this there is a mismatch in volume status across CA1 and SMS / Library. I would like to know why there is a mismatch in status. Shouldn't CA1 communicate back to OAM to return the volume back to scratch in SMS & Library? 


Because CA1 rejected the tape, that put the robot and CA1 out of sync.
VTS took it out of scratch saying it was a private tape. CA1 rejected it saying you didn't have security and as the tape was never opened and written to so the ABEND retention could not be applied, the tape is left in scratch status.

1)  regarding the ICH408I message received from IBM please review the IBM website: 

RACF message ICH408I


2) a CTSSYNC should be run to synchronize the VTS and TMC for the volume involved:
