Rally - WSAPI: What is the difference between the endpoints PortfolioItem, PortofolioItem/Feature and PortfolioItem/Initiative?
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Rally - WSAPI: What is the difference between the endpoints PortfolioItem, PortofolioItem/Feature and PortfolioItem/Initiative?


Article ID: 131094


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Rally On-Premise Rally SaaS


In the WSAPI page under Object Model we see objects named: "PortoflioItem" , "PortfolioItem/Feature" and "PortfolioItem/Initiative". What is the difference between these endpoints?


Component: ACSAAS


The portfolio hierarchy is defined per workspace. It is dynamically set by a workspace administartor.

The PortfolioItem endpoint is a parent to any and all portfolio item hierarchy items. Let's examine an example.
In this example your workspace has the following hierarchy for portfolio items:

- Theme
   |- Initiative
        |-  Feature

For such a workspace, Rally will dynamically generate 3 new endpoints called: "PortfolioItem/Theme" , "PortfolioItem/Initiative" and "PortfolioItem/Feature". All these endpoints will share a common parent endpoint called: "PortfolioItem".

What this essentially means is that the common fields between your portfolio hierarchy levels is defined on the parent - on the PortfolioItem endpoint, while specific functionality or behavior can be defined on any particular level.

Furthermore, the dynamically generated endpoints for the three levels will include a full REST interface for Create,Update,Read and Delete which you can utilize by https.