Working through web services install steps for Endevor SCM and OPS/MVS. We already have Tomcat setup for CSM and CA7. Can these products use the same Tomcat server?
Release: ENIDM000200-18.0-Endevor-Software Change Manager-Integrations for Enterprise-Dev Component:
it is recommended for each application running on it's own Tomcat instance.
Here are the reasons:
If you put all products on the same Tomcat server(instance), should any one of the applications crash the Tomcat server, all the services will be down.
Different Tomcat instance for individual product might require different file.encoding set up.
Endevor Eclipse plugin expect to have specific base path in URL, if you put all products on the same Tomcat instance, you have to set it up in such way where the base path is not changed. (that's the path behind the port)