Web Viewer 12.1 castyles Fails to Deploy
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Web Viewer 12.1 castyles Fails to Deploy


Article ID: 130973


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Output Management Document Viewer Output Management Web Viewer


One of the two .war files that make up Web Viewer failed to deploy- castylesr5.1.3.war was not deployed.

Errors from the Tomcat log: 

INFO: Deploying web application archive [......./cai/CASoftware/CCS/apache-tomcat-8.5.30/webapps/castylesr5.1.3.war] Mar 28, 2019 2:26:31 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext postWorkDirectory
WARNING: Failed to create work directory [...../cai/CASoftware/CCS/apache-tomcat-8.5.30/work/Catalina/localhost/castylesr5
 .1.3] for context [/castylesr5.1.3]


Web Viewer 12.1 for USS, Build 190
Apache Tomcat 8.5.34


The system defined /work directory had insufficient space. This is dynamically allocated by Tomcat from the system defaults. Insufficient space caused the problem with deploying castyles. 


REGION=0M was specified in the Tomcat JCL. This allows Tomcat to use all available space, which was insufficient.  Increase the size of zfs to allow more space to be allocated for Tomcat.