Message IKJ56228I PATH /u/Vantage/dist/ NOT IN CATALOG during PTF apply.
Article ID: 130904
Updated On:
Vantage Storage Resource Manager
Trying to update CA Vantage and we are receiving SMP error message IKJ56228I PATH /u/sspdmm1/CA/cai/cvanr14m0/Vantage/dist/ NOT IN CATALOG OR CATALOG CAN NOT BE ACCESSED.
We need to mount the drive in question for a Rest/API PTF. Need to do a SMP cross-zone query to find the name of the CCTUZFS file. From there we will mount via: //MOUNT2 EXEC PGM=IKJEFT01,REGION=4096K,DYNAMNBR=50 //SYSTSPRT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSTSOUT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSTSIN DD * MOUNT FILESYSTEM('OMVS.XExx.VANTR14.CCTUZFS') + TYPE(ZFS) + MODE(RDWR) + MOUNTPOINT('+ /u/sspdmm1/CA/Vantage/dist/+ /Vantage+ ') /* * This was done with the first install via SAMPJCL(VAN3MKD). The step was MOUNT2. You could add this MOUNT to the SYS1.PARMLIB(BPXPRMxx) so it's alway mounted or put this into flowerbox on the REC/APPLY JCL for Vantage.