Recieved the BC1PBM30: F000 ABEND CODE=U806 message
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Recieved the BC1PBM30: F000 ABEND CODE=U806 message


Article ID: 130777


Updated On:


Endevor Endevor Natural Integration Endevor - ECLIPSE Plugin Endevor - Enterprise Workbench


Installed Endevor and tested the Package job. And, this U806 ABEND occurred.

What is the cause of this U806 ABEND ?


Please check your Grobal Type Sequence setting. The Prefix.PARMLIB does not have the GLBLTYPE member.
If it doesn't have the member, please create the GLBLTYPE member by BC1JBTSE utility. And, copy it to Prefix.PARMLIB as GLBLTYPE.

Additional Information

The process to implement Global Type Sequencing