Gen Web Generation client data missing special characters
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Gen Web Generation client data missing special characters


Article ID: 130750


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We have a client server app with the server being CICS/mainframe DB2 access via ECI.
We have 2 front ends, a Windows GUI version and a Web Generation front end running in WebSphere on the mainframe using IE 11 on the desktop. 
There is data in DB2 containing special characters e.g. 1ƒŠŒŽš.2œžŸÀÁ.3ÂÃÄ and when the data is retrieved by the GUI application all characters are displayed correctly.
However, when the Web application displays the data some of the characters are being dropped i.e. only 1.2ÀÁ.3ÂÃÄ is displayed with the characters after leading 1 and before the .2 missing. 


Gen Web Generation client


It appears to be a codepage related problem with the Java based Web Generation client.


1. In the Gen 8.6 user exit (directory "%Gen86%\Gen\classes\com\ca\gen\exits\msgobj\cfb"), change the code to look like below: 

public static String serverEncoding( String tran, String encoding ) { 
//if (tran.startsWith("AR")) { /* return transacion specific */ 
// return "Cp420"; /* encoding. */ 
// if ((encoding != null) && (encoding.length() > 0)) { 
// return encoding; /* Return Selected Encoding. */ 
// } 
// return System.getProperty("file.encoding"); 
// return "UTF-8"; /* Default to Unicode Encoding */ 
return "Cp1252"; 

NOTE: It is suggested to make a backup of the default file first.

2. Rebuild the user exit to create the new runtime class CFBDynamicMessageEncodingExit.
Assemble the application to pick up the new class and redeploy the application.

If Cp1252 does not resolve the problem, try UTF-8.

Additional Information

Gen™ 8.6 > Reference > User Exits > Web Generation User Exits