Historical reports not working : IEC161I 041-061 in the joblog
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Historical reports not working : IEC161I 041-061 in the joblog


Article ID: 130706


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Vantage Storage Resource Manager


When I use the Vantage client on this particular stand-alone LPar, I can display SMS Storage Groups in 'real time', but when I click operate >show log/cap>log, whatever I choose, the graphs come back immediately, and with no data in them.
 I'm not sure whether this is related or not, but the only obvious exceptions I see on the log, are IEC161I 041-061 messages (buffers wrong / insufficient) against the ICF Catalog that contains the VANTAGE alias.
We have altered the BUFND and BUFNI values of the catalog to match those that were displayed in CAS and bounced the Vantage task (defaulted to a warm start), but to no avail.


Release: SMV3EN00200-14.0-Graphical Management Interface


We chased this around 5 years ago with a client. They had some issues with the ALIAS they had set up for Vantage. But, they also had the same IEC161I that you are getting. We got IBM involved and the final solution was "The correct BUFSPACE you should use is 58368." They ALTERed the BUFSPACE and recycled Vantage. They do not explain why this is occurring from time to time, it is still a mystery to us.