cisco_ucs probe self-monitoring failures error
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cisco_ucs probe self-monitoring failures error


Article ID: 130698


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DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM) CA Unified Infrastructure Management On-Premise (Nimsoft / UIM)


We keep getting the following error for the cisco_ucs probe

Error: cisco_ucs:Self-Monitoring Failures for '###.###.###.###':Monitor.Metric': Data Collection (x of x failed). See cisco_ucs.log for more details

What are these and can they be disabled?


  • Any supported UIM version
  • cisco_ucs 2.4x /2.5x


The Self-Monitoring failures alarm is generated when the mentioned Queue is not able to fetch the data or data is getting null for that particular metric.

This is expected and by design.

If you would like to disable these alarms please do the following add the following key into cisco_ucm via Raw Configure and navigate to the setup section: enable_self_monitoring_alarm = false 

self_monitoring_alarm_severity = <Desired number>
(5-Critical, 4-Major, 3-Minor, 2-Warning, 1-Informational). Default is 4

enable_self_monitoring_alarm_aggregation = false
enable_self_monitoring_alarm_same_error_suppression = true

This will disable the self-monitoring alarms moving forward.