We have a transaction that, during the day, is run every 30 seconds. It is put on the ICE chain when the region starts up and continues to run for the life of the region. Every once in a while, an issue will cause the transaction to fall off the ICE chain. This may not be discovered for several hours when the records that are supposed to be processed start to back up.
Is there a way that we can set an alert to check for the last time this transaction has run? If it's greater than say 5 minutes, create a warning to check on the 'missing' transaction?
There is no CICS ICE variable to focus on to get this information. However, CA SYSVIEW can monitor and generate an Alert for when the ICE transaction falls off the chain.
From Sysview on the CTHRESH screen, you can set a threshold for TSUMRATE, specifying the CICS region(s) being monitored and a resource name of the ICE transaction (ie:CEMT, CESF, etc..). The Ruletype would be LOWER, and the LIMIT and WARNING should be set to reflect 0. This will allow for an alert to be generated when the transaction falls off the chain.