Export to Excel (Data Only) and (CSV) does not export the display values for Display mappings (Range Descriptions)
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Export to Excel (Data Only) and (CSV) does not export the display values for Display mappings (Range Descriptions)


Article ID: 130504


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


We found that exporting the Range Descriptions does not work in Export to Excel (Data Only) and (CSV)
Only numbers get exported, and the regular Export to Excel works fine.


This is working by design
* Export to Excel (regular) is meant to provide a quick way to capture limited results that are seen on the screen in Classic out to Excel with Range Descriptions based on the Classic 'view' configuration.
* However, the Export to Excel (Data Only) and CSV are just meant to provide data and more rows for data use; we are not exporting the Classic 'view' configuration of showing a range description.
The reason it could actually work in some views is that there it's actually a Lookup value and not a Range Description.

Additional Information

For more info:
DE48112 Export to Excel (Data Only) on master object does not use the Range Description for the Aggregated Number Lookups and exports numbers only