Spectrum Command Line Interface (CLI) seek command not working with SpectroWatch attributes
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Spectrum Command Line Interface (CLI) seek command not working with SpectroWatch attributes


Article ID: 130448


Updated On:


CA Spectrum


After creating a SpectroWatch, when the seek command is run on the SpectroWatch attribute id, the results are inconsistent. For example, when a simple Integer data type watch is created and set it to inactive by default, the following is seen when the "show watch" command is run on the model:

0xffff0003 Test_Integer Calc INACTIVE

When the seek command is run, the following results are seen, which is what is expected. A value of "0" is inactive and a value of "1" is active:

./seek attr=0xffff0003,val=0
MHandle MName MTypeHnd MTypeName
0x40006c <NAME>. 0x1160089 Host_Device

./seek attr=0xffff0003,val=1
seek: no models found

When the watch is activated, it is expected a value of "0" to return "no models found" and a value of "1" to show the model where it is active. However, the same results are seen.


Any version of Spectrum running on any supported operating system


The seek command was not designed to work with SpectroWatch attributes.