C200029 running reports in IDMS
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C200029 running reports in IDMS


Article ID: 130350


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IDMS IDMS - Database


Clients without a licence for CULPRIT will get C200029 errors trying to run dictionary reports.

A client that does not have a licence for CULPRIT (and therefore does not have the product "CA Culprit for CA IDMS" enabled in RHDCPINT) is what is known as a "DDR-ONLY" client (i.e. CULPRIT can be used for data dictionary reports only).
An attempt to run dictionary reports without CULPRIT will encounter C200029 errors.


Release: All supported releases.


To avoid the C200029 errors, the instructions documented at Note For DDR-Only Shops must be followed.

Alternatively, CULPRIT is part of the Portfolio Simplification for IDMS package, which means the product is now freely available.
All that is necessary to install CULPRIT is to enable the product "CA Culprit for CA IDMS" in RHDCPINT.
No further installation steps are necessary.

Clients running r18.5 will require LMP keys for CULPRIT.
Clients running r19.0 can apply RO96807 to avoid the need for the LMP key.