Client Automation - Error 1620 while upgrading Domain Manager
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Client Automation - Error 1620 while upgrading Domain Manager


Article ID: 130340


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CA Client Automation - IT Client Manager CA Client Automation


During Domain Manager upgrade, one or more modules failed and the error shown on the summary is 1620 (Other modules were correctly upgraded).


Client Automation - All Versions


Reviewing the installer log, the following information can be seen, on this case, for Scalability Server module:

1: 3-26-2019 - 15:11:03 - INFO - File: CAUniITRM_Setup.rul - Line: 11477 - Launch msiexec.exe /i"F:\WindowsProductFiles_x86\Server\Server.msi" /l*v "C:\Users\ITCMUser\AppData\Local\Temp\DSMUpgradeScalability Server.log" REBOOT=REALLYSUPPRESS REINSTALLMODE=vomus REINSTALL=ALL MASTERSETUP=1 CAF_INSTALL_SERVICE=0 CAF_START_SERVICE=0 SC_DSMPROP=1 DSM_LANGUAGE="enu" /qb-!.
1: 3-26-2019 - 15:11:03 - INFO - File: CAUniITRM_Setup.rul - Line: 13132 - String('ID_MSG_LAUNCH_INSTALL_FAILED') = 'Se ha producido un error en la instalaciĆ³n de '[1]'.'

The error is nor very specific, but reviewing the specific upgrade log for this module (Scalability Server), the following can bee seen:

MSI (s) (78:4C) [15:11:03:955]: Note: 1: 2203 2: F:\WindowsProductFiles_x86\Server\Server.msi 3: -2147286960
MSI (s) (78:4C) [15:11:03:955]: MainEngineThread is returning 1620


The actual error for 1620 code is "ERROR_INSTALL_PACKAGE_INVALID". Based on Microsoft's database, this error is described as:

"This installation package could not be opened. Contact the application vendor to verify that this is a valid Windows Installer package."

This means that the source is corrupted, probably the Client Automation's ISO was not downloaded correctly. Downloading the ISO one more time will solve this error.

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