Alarms in Spectrum for "IN/OUT LOAD THRESHOLD EXCEEDED” show values over 100%
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Alarms in Spectrum for "IN/OUT LOAD THRESHOLD EXCEEDED” show values over 100%


Article ID: 130231


Updated On:


CA Spectrum DX NetOps


Why are we receiving alarms for "IN/OUT LOAD THRESHOLD EXCEEDED” with over 100% numbers like 345% or 800%


Spectrum 10.x, 21.x, 22.x


Out of the box, the default method that we use to calculate interface thresholds is described in this KB article.

KB : CA Spectrum interface threshold alarm showing values greater than 100%

For each time Spectrum detects a problem with the interface calculations a 0x10d80 event is created that lists the numbers for the calculations.

If you check these events and notice that the Octet numbers look correct then the problem is most likely due to the packets that are used in the calculations.

If you see packet numbers that the final number is smaller then the initial number these can cause incorrect calculations and lead to seeing thresholds over 100%.


In order to use only Octets to calculate threshold you can add this following line to the $SPECROOT/SS/.VNMRC file:



A stop and restart of the SpectroSERVER is required for these changes to go into affect afterwards thresholds will only be calculated using Octets and the forumula is:

        (( delta_in or out_octets * 800) * 100 ) / ((*port_speed) * (time_delta ))