Receiving message DBG550C1W Selected Records Not Found trying to view Thread and System History when the Data Collector is successfully writing to the history files
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Receiving message DBG550C1W Selected Records Not Found trying to view Thread and System History when the Data Collector is successfully writing to the history files


Article ID: 13023


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SYSVIEW Performance Management Option for DB2 for z/OS


Encounter message DBG550C1W Selected Records Not Found when viewing Sysview Performance Management Option for DB2 for z/OS (IDB2)
System History or Thread History.  Have confirmed that the IDB2 data collector is successfully writing to the history files.


The cause of the DBG550C1W Selected Records Not Found condition when viewing System or Thread History In IDB2 was caused
by a mismatch of the load library being allocated for the IDB2 data collector and the load library being allocated to the User interface
via the Insight clist. Once the Insight clist was modified to allocate the same load library as the IDB2 data collector the
DBG550C1W Selected Records Not Found condition was resolved.