How to sort on LAST UPDATE in the RC/Migrator Strategy Services panel?
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How to sort on LAST UPDATE in the RC/Migrator Strategy Services panel?


Article ID: 13019


Updated On:


RC Compare for DB2 for z/OS


On the RC/M Strategy Services panel, the strategies are displayed in strategy name order. Is it possible to sort this panel on LAST UPDATE?


Component: RCM


When the RC/M Strategy Services panel is displayed, it is sorted on STRATEGY/DATE/TIME.

It is not possible to sort on any of the columns displayed in the Strategy Services panel. However you could use the following steps to produce a Strategy list, sorted in date order. 


On the RC/M Strategy Services panel:

1. Use the L command to toggle off the Analysis dataset listings. 
2. Use any of the following fields to filter the strategy list. 

STRATEGY ===> * CREATOR ===> * TYPE ===> * SRC SSID ===> * 

3. Use the QFILE command to write the displayed strategy list to a file (FB/80). 
4. Edit the created report file through ISPF and issue command 'SORT D 67'.


This will produce a Strategy list sorted into DATE order, with the most recent first.