Manage My Access groups are empty
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Manage My Access groups are empty


Article ID: 130183


Updated On:


CA Identity Manager CA Identity Governance CA Identity Portal


Why are no groups displaying under Access\Manage my access?  Middle area does not show any groups?


Identity Portal 14.x


1.  Login to Portal Admin UI.
2.  Go to Elements\Endpoints\Entitlements\Select your endpoint. In this example it was AD
3.  Clicked on Account Scope tab. You must have "view" selected to see info.
4.   Clicked on entitlements. Clicked "Add entitlements" Created modify group. Entitlement type is ActiveDirectorygroup membership. Add task can be ModifyActiveDirectoryAccount. 
5.  For Remove Task enter the same if you want to remove yourself ModifyActiveDirectoryAccount.. 
6.  Click rules. Add rules.  Add rules if needed.
7.  Endpoint in the Admin UI. Clicked on Account Attributes. Add attributes, named it. Mapped it to GroupMembership

Log back into Portal.  Go to Manage my Access and groups should display