How to remove old node which was used for cross-platform scheduling
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How to remove old node which was used for cross-platform scheduling


Article ID: 130097


Updated On:


CA 7 Workload Automation


The CA 7 Tracker is attempting to contact an obsolete UUJMA server that has been decommissioned. How can I prevent the Tracker from attempting to contact this server?


Component: 7



Additional Information

The Tracker has a checkpiont dataset that contains all the nodes and the date/time of the last record received from that node. If you the node has been decommissioned, you must enter the DELNODE command to the Tracker to remove the node from the checkpoint. 
If you are running the internal Tracker under CA 7, you will need to enter the following CA 7 top line command:

/XTASK,M=(CMD,TRACKER,DELNODE(xxxxxxxx))          >>>> where xxxxxxxx is the node name to be removed
If you are running the Tracker as its own task, you will issue an os modify command to the STC:
F ca7xtrk,DELNODE(xxxxxxxx)                                           >>>> where xxxxxxxx is the node name to be removed