TSS7100 received when TSS7101E expected
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TSS7100 received when TSS7101E expected


Article ID: 130074


Updated On:


Top Secret Top Secret - LDAP


Previously received ==> Expired Password error code 49 - TSS7110E Password Has Expired. New Password Missing Now receive ==> error code 49 - TSS7100E 009 J=CALDAP A=URGRP13 T=0A6145D0 F=UNICNTR - Incorrect Password 2 Previously received ==> INCORRECT password error code 49 - TSS7101E PASSWORD IS INCORRECT

Now receive ==> error code 49 - TSS7100E 009 J=CALDAP A=XGCNBRE T=0AF93856 F=UNICNTR - Incorrect Password 3 Previously received ==> Suspended ID error code 49 - TSS7141E USE OF ACCESSOR ID SUSPENDED Now receive ==> error code 49 - TSS7100E 001 J=CALDAP A=TATAVNE T=0A6145CE F=UNICNTR - Acid Suspended

Not sure why the changes in the messages.


Component: TSSMVS


Setting the global LOG(SEC9,MSG) control option followed by 
the FACILITY LOG(MSG) for the UNICNTR facility will eliminate the new 
messages in that facility. 

SEC9 indicates that we are to produce a SEC9 summary message with route code 9 to the security console. The original messages should be produced as well. The SEC9 messages are being sent in place of the standard violation messages for LDAP.

The LOG option setting affects what messages are produced.