How to enable links between 2 interfaces?
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How to enable links between 2 interfaces?


Article ID: 13003


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CA Spectrum DX NetOps


In Spectrum, we use the term "live link" or "live pipe" to signify a link between 2 devices that has active link monitoring enabled.

This is disabled by default as it may not required by some users and may have a negative performance cost on the system.

What attributes do we need to enable, to turn on link monitoring?


All supported Spectrum environments.


To enable Live pipes or live links, please set the attributes below as follows:

To set this on on all interfaces at once, you can use Policy Manager

1. Generate Alarm on Port is controlled by the attribute GeneratePortStatusAlarms at the port level (default value Yes)
    To access port configuration, select the device model in OneClick. In Component Details, select the Interface tab. Right click the interface, and select Component Details.
    The attribute can be found in Attributes tab.

   Generate Alarm on Device is controlled by the attribute AssertLinkDownAlarm at the port level 

   As seen above, the default behavior of the alarms is as follows:

- Generate Alarm on Port   (default is yes).

- Generate Alarm on Device (default is no).

    This can be modified also from Information tab -> Alarm Configuration at port level


2. PollPortStatus (0x1280a) - Controls status polling of a port whose connectivity is not modelled. Valid values are TRUE or FALSE.

3. ok_to_poll (0x11dd8) - Used to make the pipe associated with this port "live".  The status of the port will be polled.

4. AlarmOnLinkDownTrap (0x11fc2) - Determines how SPECTRUM handles a Link Down trap on this particular port (0 for ignore the trap, 1 for process the trap).

5. AssertLinkDownAlarm (0x12957) - Determines if SPECTRUM should generate a yellow alarm on the device model when a link down trap is received for this port.

6. GeneratePortStatusAlarms (0x12a54) - Used to tell SPECTRUM that a port status alarm should never be generated on this port.


Additional Information

Please reference the Enable or Disable a Live Link section of the documentation for more information.