What is the meaning of a diference between CPU and Elpased time reported in Detector and in MAINVIEW accounting reports
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What is the meaning of a diference between CPU and Elpased time reported in Detector and in MAINVIEW accounting reports


Article ID: 130018


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Detector for DB2 for z/OS


The time data, CPU and Elapsed, reported in Detector for Db2 for z/OS (PDT) has a difference with the time data reported
in MAINVIEW accounting reports.

For example, for a specific Plan the accounting detail times are larger in MAINVIEW reports. The accounting times
reported in MAINVIEW reports are based on SMF data.


The Detector times include only the times that are used in SQL execution and are not equivalent to the times which would be found on SMF data.
The SMF/MAINVIEW data includes all activity that occurred in Db2 for the thread, which would include Plan/Package allocation, thread initialization
as well as some Detector overhead and SQL execution. It is expected that the Detector number would be lower that those reported by SMF
and/or MAINVIEW, Detector reports only SQL execution.