In CA Teleview, the DYNAMIC internal application allows users to log on to any other VTAM application that may or may not be included in the CA-Teleview Main Menu panel. DYNAMIC is viewed as an open doorway to any VTAM session desired.
What is the CA TPX equivalent for a CA Teleview DYNAMIC session?
You can use the A command to activate a new session using the VTAM Applid:
#A applid (#=Cmdchar)
You can restrict which users are allowed to use the A command by the Command Class assigned to the user in their User Options.
The specifics for each class are defined within the Command Authorization Class (CMDT).
The VTAM applids should be secured using external security.
Command: #A - Activate a new session
This command allows you to start a new session using either the sessionid or the application's VTAM applid.
This command is only valid from the TPX Menu.
The Activate command syntax follows:
#A - Activate all sessions that start automatically when you sign on to TPX
#A ALL - Activate all sessions defined on your Menu.
#A sessid - Activate the session using the Session-id.
#A applid - Activate a session using the VTAM Applid.
#=Cmdchar in all of the above examples. Cmdchar, command character, is customizable.