How can I start a PAM RDP Session on the target server console, as we would call "mstsc.exe /admin"?
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How can I start a PAM RDP Session on the target server console, as we would call "mstsc.exe /admin"?


Article ID: 129931


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CA Privileged Access Manager - Cloakware Password Authority (PA) CA Privileged Access Manager (PAM)


Sometimes it can be useful to run a PAM RDP Connection to the target device console, just like as if we were running the following command from a DOS window:

"mstsc.exe /admin"

How can I start a PAM RDP Session on the target server console, as if we were initiating the session with "mstsc.exe /admin"?


Any PAM appliance running any PAM server version.


In the PAM Client go to 'Devices / Manage Devices' and select or add the device you want to manage. The window to edit the device opens. Go to the 'Access Method' tab and add the RDP access method. RDP has a Console checkbox to specify that access is through the device console interface:


Additional Information

See also:
 - Device Setup / Specify Access Method