Installed MASTERCAT 3.4 on Z/VSE 6.2 and according to the CA-GSS documentation, MASTERCAT is supposed to have 8 PROCs in the install library. Only 1 proc ( Load the messages to the IESMSG) is found.
Release: 3.4
The MC* procs are no longer used.
The CAMCTSCR job loads the PDS members (IMODs, screen panels, help members) required to support MASTERCAT.
Note: This job must be run before initializing MASTERCAT.
1. Extract the JCL member CAMCTSCR.Z from the installation sublibrary.
2. Modify the SETPARM parameters to specify the correct LIBRARY/SUBLIBRARY where CA-GSS and MASTERCAT were installed.
3. Execute the job.
The job runs GSSUTIL to install the components that were previously installed with the procs.
Reference: MasterCat Getting Started Guide - Chapter 3 - Task 2—Loading PDS Members