How to sign a Applet JAR
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How to sign a Applet JAR


Article ID: 129838


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CA Rapid App Security CA Advanced Authentication


The CA Strong Authentication Client Applet JARs can be customized and then signed by a customer using the procedure below. This ensures that the authentic Applet JAR file signed by a valid Certificate Authority is downloaded and run in the given environment.



CA Strong Authentication Client code (Such as ArcotAFM client code)


To Sign Applet JAR Please follow below steps: 

Step 1: To Obtain Alias Name from Certificate 

1. Open Command Prompt and navigate to %JAVA_HOME%/bin 
2. Execute command as follows 

Command: keytool -list -storetype pkcs12 -keystore <Certificate> -storepass <password> 

For example: 

keytool -list -storetype pkcs12 -keystore CompanyCert.pfx -storepass myStorePass 

(<Certificate> -> Provide complete path along with certificate name and extension) 
(<Password> -> Provide Correct Store Password) 

Step 2: Sign Applet JAR 

1. Execute Command as follows 

Command: jarsigner -storetype pkcs12 -keystore <certificate> -storepass <Password> <appletjar> <aliasname> -tsa 

For Example: 

jarsigner -storetype pkcs12 -keystore CompanyCert.pfx -storepass myStorePass Applet.jar myAlias -tsa 

(<Certificate> -> Provide Certificate complete path) 
(<Password> -> Provide Correct Store Password) 
(<appletjar> -> Provide ArcotApplet JAR Complete path) (<aliasname> -> Provide correct Alias Name which we got in Step 1) 

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