CA View - SARPAC Performance
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CA View - SARPAC Performance


Article ID: 129829


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The client is running the View SARPAC function, which is showing to take a long time, and they want to know if there is a way to have the function perform any faster. 


CA View - All Releases


From a review of the client's SARPAC jobs:

 . The SARPAC jobs were processing about 2.5 million lines per minute.
 . The tapes contained about 2.8 billion lines per tape. 
 . The processing time, per tape, on average was about 17 hours. 

As SARPAC was processing as quickly as it could, given what resources it had, it was suggested to the client that they could consider setting a higher REGION value on the SARPAC step, or of having a SARPAC job being given a higher priority.