Email links open to Overview page after login on Clarity SSL
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Email links open to Overview page after login on Clarity SSL


Article ID: 129809


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


After upgrade, we are no longer able to directly open notification links in Clarity on SSL (full and external). It takes users to the Home > General page,  not to the URL in question.
We used to be able to do this:
1. Get a link via email
2. Click on the link
3. If not logged into Clarity, we are prompted to log in
4. We login
5. We are directed to the action item, or timesheet as per the link URL

After upgrade, after login we are directed to Overview instead.

If we are logged in, then the link works fine.


Caused by a Login customization in clarity_main_min.js


We found that a customization in /webroot caused the issue. We replaced the webroot folder with an OOTB one and were able to have the links work correctly.

We suggest keeping a doc file with all customizations and to remove all of them prior to upgrade. After upgrade, ensure everything works, then re-add the customizations one by one after testing.